Ages 19+ - Scout Leaders


Who - Who Are Scout Leaders

Scout Leaders are individuals that are responsible for providing support, guidance, and supervision to youth members, leading and organizing activities, and helping ensure safety and fun. They are dedicated to using the Scouting program to teach, support, guide, supervise and support young people in their physical, mental, social, and spiritual development, so that they may grow into responsible citizens and play a constructive role in society. These adults are responsible for administering and supervising the Scouting program and providing training and guidance to youth leaders. They may also serve as liaisons between the Scouting organization and the community.


Focus - What is the role of Scout Leaders

The role of Scout Leaders in Scouting is multifaceted. They serve as mentors and role models for the youth they serve, providing guidance and direction in the form of goal setting, problem solving, decision making, and learning activities. They plan, organize, and lead activities and events, teaching the values and principles of Scouting, as well as advocating for the Scouting program and being a source of information and support. Furthermore, they help build relationships between the youth and their families, connecting them to their local Scouting organization and providing an example of how to live responsibly and with integrity.


What - What are the benefits?

Positively influencing the lives of young people: You will have the opportunity to be a positive role model and mentor for young people, teaching them valuable life lessons and encouraging them to be their best selves.

Building meaningful relationships with young people: You will have the chance to build meaningful relationships with young people in your pack or troop. You can be a listening ear and show them that you care about their lives and experiences.

Gaining leadership and organizational skills: You will develop important leadership and organizational skills. From planning and organizing activities to teaching and coaching, you will gain valuable experience that can be applied to your life.


Uniform - Scout Leader Uniform

The Scout Leaders uniform consists of the Leader shirt, black pants, black belt, group neckerchief, neckerchief woggle, hand-kerchief, pen, and notebook.

Uniform Insignia Placement
The Scout Association
of Guyana
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© The Scout Association of Guyana. 2025