Donate - Invest in the Future

Help us Create Opportunities for Growth, Learning and Empowerment.

The Scout Association of Guyana is grateful for the generosity of individuals and organizations that support our mission to empower young people to become responsible and active citizens. Your donations help us to provide a wide range of programs and activities that encourage personal development, leadership, and community service. All of these options help to supplement the association's funding and provide additional resources and support to help achieve the mission of the Scout Association of Guyana. These options also provide a way for individuals and organizations to get more involved and engaged with the association, and to support the development of the young people in Guyana.


Ways - Ways to donate

  • - Corporate sponsorships:
    Businesses play a crucial role in supporting our association by becoming corporate sponsors. This involves providing both financial support and valuable resources to enhance our programs and activities. Sponsors contribute to our success and make a lasting impact on the scouting community.
  • - In-kind donations:
    Businesses and individuals can contribute in-kind donations by providing equipment, supplies, or services that directly enhance the well-being of our Scout groups. For example, a generous business might provide camping gear, while a service provider could extend their support through discounted rates or complimentary services.
  • - Donation by mail:
    If you prefer traditional methods, you can support us by sending a cheque to the association through mail. Your generous contributions by mail enable us to push the boundaries of what's possible, turning visionary ideas into groundbreaking digital solutions that benefit our scouting community.

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Blog - Articles from the blog

Scouts promote road safety

The Scout Association of Guyana is feeling ecstatic following the resounding success of its recent road safety awareness campaign held on February 17, 2024. This initiative, a collaborative effort with the European Union Guyana, and...

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The Scout's Guide to Digital Detox

In today's fast-paced digital world, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of social media, constant notifications, and endless scrolling. However, amidst this digital frenzy, it's crucial to remember take breaks...

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Join us today and embark on a lifelong adventure of character development, leadership, and patriotism.